I'm pleased to announce that not only did I win the Handmade Olympics (& have meant to post that all year long), but also, after 3 (maybe 4) years, I'm back to building puppets full-time!
So somewhere between March and now, I fell into making inchworm rod puppets. Thankfully they're soft and adorable. You can't get hurt on adorable. Well, you can, but those are less serious muscle-injuries.

So hopefully I'll remember to post more here, now that I don't have a pesky day job weighing me down.
You can find them in my Etsy shop, and if you're in Phoenix, starting next week you can find them at local boutique MADE art boutique, on the southwest corner of Roosevelt and 5th Street in an oasis of cultural loveliness. And after you've visited MADE, go next door to Jobot & order a crepe. For serious, they're amazing.
I'm really excited to be onto this next chapter of Puppet Pie. I have shipping tubes! TUBES! do you know how fun it is to get a tube in the mail? I know that x70. If only they had arrived in a giant tube.
Upcoming Puppetry events:
Puppet Slam in Phoenix on September 2nd & 3rd (call 602 262 2050 for tickets)
Pirate Party at the Great AZ Puppet Theater at 2pm on Sept. 11th (Guild meeting to follow)
MAYBE the Sunnyslope artwalk on Saturday, October 8th from 5-9pm
Maker Faire Phoenix October 15th! I'll either be presenting or vending. We'll see!
Plug any of those things into your google machine & you'll get all kinds of details. It'll be fun!