I am learning how to do puppetry for film. Not so much by taking classes, but by filming, then messing up, then filming some more. I'm pretty excited about some of the shots we've gotten & pretty darn upset with myself for other shots.
The director at our theater always tells my students, "Nobody was born knowing how to do this. Everyone has had to make these mistakes and everyone has had to learn how to correct those mistakes."
Sometimes I think I was born knowing how to do all of these amazing things, and then when I do them for the first time (or the 89th time) and it's not perfect, I get frustrated because, dag nabbit I should have gotten that right the first time. I should have known, etc.
I'm making beginner's mistakes & just wish I wasn't a beginner.
We always seem to be harder on ourselves than we should be - I know first hand ;)
Now, inhale... exhale... ahhhhhh. You are very talented and you'll do just fine :)
♥ Rocki
as soon as i get the footage uploaded I can show you what a good film puppeteer you already are. It's really astounding.
I've already seen your wicked sense of humor in the Burrito group emails, so I'm certain your puppeteer skills are killer. Still, I understand the "hate being a beginner" thing...been there.
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