I checked how many puppets I'd made in June. only 21. That's a far cry from my goal of 60 finger puppets/month. like...a really far cry. But I have a good excuse! My dog ate my--er..no...my friggin FIVE cats made me play with them.
Slight detour: We have 5 cats. 3 are 3 months old. We decided about 3 months ago that we'd probably keep them all. However, I do really enjoy seeing the exact same set of worried eyebrows on my friends' faces when they, for the 7th time, ask me, "So have you decided whether or not you're going to keep them?" My husband (yes, I'll blame him) had pretty much declared that we'd keep them all the moment we found out there were only 3. Still, each time the kittens are brought up, someone will ask, "So have you decided to keep all of them?" And they look at me like--if I do, I run the risk of donning a large, floral-print, over-sized mu'umu'u and chasing children down the street shaking a broom at them. To which I say, I don't even know where to buy a mu'umu'u. I do have a husband and a child...hopefully that will keep me from turning into an old cat-lady. And I go back to the husband-blaming I mentioned earlier. Totally his fault. He was allergic for so many years, I think this is his way of falling off the wagon.
Back to the road.
So I really do have a good excuse. I've been working on a very short (30 seconds) video for Etsy.com. They're having a "make us a commercial & you can win some $" contest. So I did. I'm hoping it wins. But I suppose everyone who enters a video into the contest hopes it wins. If they didn't I'd be surprised.
Ok here's where it gets a little "uh oh": They choose the top 25 videos that go to the finals based on the number of views they get! (see? Uh oh.) I'm not sure if it's individual ISP views (meaning that you can view it once from your computer) or if it's the total number of views (meaning you can watch it a few times from your computer). So here's what I ask the 12 of you who read my blog to do: I need you to watch it. And! If you like it, send it to your friends, have them watch it too & tell them that your weirdo-friend made it. If you don't like it, send it to all of your enemies as punishment for being your enemy. Or if you're ambivalent about it, you can send it to your friends as punishment--or to your enemies as a reward.
I've gone on and on about watching it and I've provided you no link by which to see. I'm terrible.
Hooray! I'm not terrible anymore!
Once upon a time, I had three cats. There was an add in the paper for 4 cats who's owners were leaving the country. I called and they said if they didn't find a home they would put them to sleep rather than put them in a shelter. Let's just say I had 7 cats shortly after that. Oh, and then my boyfriend and his 2 cats moved in. 9 cats is crazy.
haha thaaaat's a lot of cats.
I can't wait to be a cat lady. We only have 2 now because that's all our apartment complex will allow and I don't really want to be evicted, but when we get a house I plan on having as many as my husband will tolerate.
Also, your doughnut video is freaking hilarious. :)
♥ xtine
When I was little I had a light-switch plate that had two kittens on it. It's ceramic & very 80s. For some reason my mom saved this and wanted to give it to me when we were there last week.
I sided with a big fat no thank you. I figured that if I have 5 cats AND cat-related memorabilia (in particular a gaudy ceramic light-switch plate) then I will have officially crossed the line.
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