When all is said & done I've re-sized, cut, & styled wigs, I've found an amazing costume designer, discovered new eyes, done makeup, figured out which fabric I'll never use again, resorted to using a pattern for the heads, am pleased with the results, but still wish I'd not used a pattern, sculpted 10 hands (which means I've sewn 10 hands--man I hate sewing hands), Found an incredible resource for puppet eyewear---then broke that eyewear--hmm, & I haven't had access to 5 bottles of wine for more than a month. Dude, I want my wine back.
Another puppeteer asked me if I was charging enough. I said no. I got a "you know how much other people charge, right?" Yeah, I know. I don't think I fully knew before I started putting all of this together, but I think I have a better idea now. I just never before felt like I could attain that quality of workmanship. I get it now. I think can do it. I put a listing in my etsy shop that is probably still low for most puppeteers, but it's a good step for me so I feel okay about it. (By the way Andrew's puppet pricing calculator is just a dream) If it's about right, do tell.
The puppets will be on their way hopefully this week. Me breaking the eye glasses (tonight) really put a big snafoo into that one. I'll give you full back story & details on the puppets just as soon as I can. (The 4 of you that read my blog probably already know the details, but what the hey?)
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